Dave Higson today confirmed that he was still talking to Ian Ridley and the door is still open.
He also went on to say that “I can assure the fans that we are always willing to listen to serious offers from anyone”.
On the subject of talking, Mr Higson stated that he is always available for a chat on subjects concerning WFC.

No Hidden Agenda

Dave Higson spoke of the hurtful comments made on the independent message board and responded by confirming that there is no hidden agenda at the club.
Resisting temptation to answer back on the independent message board he stated, “I feel that it would be wrong to make statements regarding WFC business in this way. Instead I will use the recognised channels of local newspapers/radio and Weymouth FC website.”
Dave Higson also confirmed today that Park Engineering were, in the short term, covering WFC’s outgoings due to the lack of income at the club.

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