We’re all enjoying ourselves at the moment - Interview with Bobby Wilkinson

Obviously to have the game called off was disappointing, although luckily there is one so soon on the horizon. How are spirits amongst the squad?

We were really disappointed that the game was called off but we accepted it. Instead we found a training facility on Saturday morning, where we were able to spend two hours together working on Torquay United.

With Tuesday in mind, what did you and the coaching staff aim for the players to do during the session?

Change our setup and tactics. We understand each team we are up against, so we knew we couldn’t have prepared for Braintree Town and not done the same with Torquay. There was short notice with what we planned to do, so my players deserve credit for how hard they’ve worked.

With this session, along with last Tuesday’s match against Exeter City, how important have these sessions been over this busy period?

Very important. These sessions not only help us work on our tactics and shape, we really enjoy them too. We’re all enjoying ourselves at the moment, and usually when that’s the case you play better football.

We move onto Torquay, who are a full-time unit and in the play-offs. What do the lads need to do on matchday to ensure that they compete?

They need to turn up and believe they can win the game. Tuesday will be about showing everyone who we are, although we know this will be really tough. But, we will continue to get on with it.

As we already said this week, Tuesday’s game is just one of many away fixtures this month. How important is it to start the first of them with a win?

The most important thing is that we play well. We always want to win, but I don’t like to put that sort of pressure on the boys. The key thing is that we go there, outwork them and outperform them in front of a good few thousand supporters. They’re full-time and one of the league’s big spenders, but if we compete on Tuesday the way we have been over the last few weeks we’ll give them a run for their money.

Tuesday nights had been a struggle earlier in the season. However, we won the last one! How much will playing well prove as a further Tuesday confidence boost?

That day we changed a few things with our pre-match meal and walk. We’ll be doing the same thing this week. Though it’s still a Tuesday night and it’s a long way for some of our players, we don’t want to use that as an excuse. This is our next game. Let’s go and win a game of football.

I spoke to Brandon last week, who said the mentality within the squad has improved recently. In what ways has that happened?

Over the last few weeks, there’s been something different within the group. We’ve gone to another level where we believe we can win every game. Even in training, their commitment and time levels are changing. They arrive early and stay behind to practice even more.

On Friday night we didn’t even know where we would be training the next day, but everyone showed up and was ready. That shows what a brilliant group we have.

As always, what has been the key message going into tomorrow’s game?

Stay together, cause an upset, and enjoy playing against a top side. As long as we walk off the pitch knowing we gave everything, that’s all I can ask.

Interview by
Jack Webb

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