STRIKER Sam Jordan has underlined his desire to be a success with the Terras and is hoping to prove a point to his parent club while out on dual registration.

The former Bradford Town striker, who scored a hat-trick for Weymouth in the Dorset Senior Cup against Verwood Town last week, has been sent out to Western League outfit Melksham Town by boss Jason Matthews and made his debut for the club at the weekend.

While the Terras drew a blank in their 1-0 home defeat to Merthyr Town on Saturday, Jordan got through 77 minutes and scored during Melksham’s 2-0 win over Cribbs.

And while the sharp-shooter, who came to Weymouth with a big reputation for scoring goals at Western League level, admitted he was “a little surprised” to be sent elsewhere, he is looking to make the most of the opportunity.

Speaking about how the temporary switch came about, Jordan, who has struggled with various injuries during his short time with the Terras, told Echosport: “I started coming back and he (Matthews) started asking me how I was feeling and I always had little niggles here and there.

“He said ‘look, if I send you out on loan, would you have a problem with that?’ I said ‘not really, I want game time so if that’s what you want to do to get me fit then I will do what you wish. You are the management, what you say goes really, I’m not exactly going to argue with it’.

“I wouldn’t say I was gutted because I need minutes and, like I said before, I want to give Weymouth my all. If I’m not fit then I can’t, it’s just a little bit of a shame that I have had these injuries that have set me back.”

He added: “I was a little surprised but, having the people Weymouth have brought in on loan, I’m assuming they want them to be played, so I just went with it.

“I think it is flexible, I can come back whenever Jase needs me. I think they were talking about three weeks or a four-week loan.

“Whether he brings me back sooner I don’t know. I got a good 80-odd minutes in on Saturday, scored a goal and it’s just a case of getting back playing.

“I have been sent out to get game time and, as soon as they want me back, I will be there in a heartbeat. I’ll be there in a flash and ready to give it my all.”

Asked whether he has a point to prove to the Terras while at Melksham, Jordan replied: “Yes, definitely.

“I have been sent out to score goals and get fit.

“Hopefully I can send a message so Jase can think ‘right, maybe I should try and get him some game time at Weymouth’.

“As long as I get a fair chance when I come back it works out for everyone.”

Dorset Echo

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