John Pritchard: We have good squad depth and only 11 players can be on the pitch at once, how important is it to be patient and then take your opportunity to the max?

Yemi Odubade: We have a really good squad! Something that every club needs at any level to be successful. There will be injuries/fatigue during the season, that’s part and parcel of football. That’s when the squad really comes into play! It’s important that everyone is ready for when they are called upon.

JP: For sure, we have already experienced a few injuries and they have been big losses but have had players to step up. You know this level very well, do you think the step up has benefited the team as it allows us to play our football which fits the higher intensity?

YO: Yes I do know this level. We’ve got an identity in the way we play and I think that should never change regardless of what league we are in. Yes we might change system and tactics slightly but that never goes away from what we are trying to do on and off the pitch.

JP: You’ve been with the Terras for a while now, since joining there has been a lot of positives obviously including the promotion. What was the emotions when you slotted home against Farnborough?

YO: I think it was relief more than anything! The pressure riding on that game was huge and it was just nice to get that first goal.

JP: It was a great moment, for the club and I’m sure as a personal memory. Going through the new season have you set yourself any targets?

YO: It was something I’m glad I was apart of! Hopefully it can be one of many more to come! Yes I always set myself targets/goals but never say and keep to myself.

JP: I know everyone wants to do well as a player but I think the great thing about our bunch of lads is the team targets and goals, everyone is a team player and wants to do well as a team, is that correct in saying?

YO: Yes of course, football is a team game. We are all unique and have different strengths. I think that’s key to being a team, we all know our roles individually and collectively. We are all in succeeding together and I think you can see that on the pitch!

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