CHAIRMAN Ian White said the Terras’ on the pitch and off-field endeavours have been “beyond belief”.

White’s comments emerged from the Weymouth FC Supporters’ Association AGM, where the chairman submitted a statement to the meeting.

In full, it reads: “Dear WFCSA board members and WFCSA supporters, I would like to convey my thanks for all the hard work you have put in during my two years as WFC chairman.

“Your support has been fantastic and together we have achieved something very special indeed. We have taken our great club from the bottom to a place that few of us thought we could ever achieve again.

“But I truly believe we are in a much better place than we have ever been in. What we have accomplished both off the field and on the pitch is beyond belief.

“We have money in the bank. We have sorted the land deal out. The ground has had a face lift and as each week passes is looking better and better.

“On the field, we have something very special. A young hungry manager and a squad of players to match that. (Eleven) league games unbeaten says it all.

“So my message to you is again well done and thank you, we have a long way still to go but I really believe together as one we can achieve it.

“It won’t be easy, let’s not kid ourselves, but we can do it. Again, thank you. Ian White. WFC chairman.”

Other matters discussed at the AGM, at which a healthy representation of supporters were in attendance, included an overview of membership and finances as of Friday, May 31.

WFCSA chairman, Pete Nash, said: “I thank Ian for those kind words. It is a powerful statement. So many people involved with the club have worked tirelessly and selflessly to get us to the position we enjoy today.

“We all continue to work together in the common cause of providing a football club that the whole community can be proud of.

“There is still much yet to do, but we are collectively moving in the right direction, building on solid foundations. We on the WFCSA board look forward to further strengthening our commitments to supporting the parent club.

“We encourage supporters to join us and if at all possible, to give some of their time in helping us move forward with even greater purpose. It has been a good 12 months for the WFCSA, we look forward to building on the success enjoyed so far.”

Dorset Echo

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