uptheterras.co.uk: You must be delighted after Saturday? A winning goal for you and what a win for the team.

Tom Whelan: Yes, everyone was very happy to get the win. On a personal note I was happy to score but getting the three points is the most important thing.

uptheterras.co.uk: We’ve noticed that you have made both team of the weekend and team of the month with some media outlets. You must be pleased with your own form?

TW: It’s nice to get into them teams but my main goal was to get into the Weymouth team. So that was more important for me personally.

uptheterras.co.uk: We have some big games coming up with a TV game against Wrexham and a derby with Yeovil. I’m sure we will be going into these games full of confidence?

TW: Of course. We go into these game with a bit of a nothing to lose mentality. These are big full-times clubs who are expected to beat us.

uptheterras.co.uk: Do you believe that having two weeks without a game, with a real emphasis on training, will be particularly useful?

TW: I would imagine the gaffer will be putting us through our paces. To be honest, I think it is needed as pre-season was shorter than it normally would be.

uptheterras.co.uk: Finally, do you think Saturday was a good example of how united the team is? Long journey, overnight stay etc.

TW: Definitely. I think most of the lads enjoy the overnight stay (except for Thommo). We are a close group and we are all fighting for the same thing which is to get points for this football club.

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