Weymouth FC Board of Directors statement: Resignation – Alan Pepperell

Weymouth Football Club board of directors would like to express their gratitude to Alan Pepperell for his services & dedication to the club and board.

Unfortunately, due to a prolonged period of ill health, Alan will be stepping down.

Alan’s affiliation with the Terras spans over sixty years when at the age of fourteen when he became a fan while supporting the team at the Rec & became a player under Frank O’ FarrellFrom that moment and to this day Alan has committed himself to getting behind the team and football club.

Since Alan’s appointment as a board member in March 2010, he’s continued his dedication with passion & professionalism. Alan was key in supporting the club during the dark days of regaining control of the well-publicised land project, This saw the football club’ through a difficult period in its history’.

Even during the global pandemic when Alan suffered a prolonged period of illness due to respiratory problems, he’d still continue to have a vested interest in the Club.

The board would like to wish Alan good health for the future and look forward to welcoming him back to the Bob Lucas stadium to support the team in the future.

All the very best, Alan.

The Board of Directors

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