We can announce the departure of Claudio Ofosu, with Ryan Sandford returning to his parent club Millwall on expiry of his loan deal.

Speaking to Neil Walton from Dorset Echo Sport, Bobby Wilkinson said: “I feel for this lad because he’s someone that I’m very keen on. The problem is that until we can get settled – he wants a contract – that’s going to be difficult to do at the moment.

I’m trying to keep him the best we can but he travels such a long way I understand the situation.

We think he’s a fantastic player but he’s coming from Peterborough, it’s a long way.

We love the lad and would love to keep him around but location-wise it’s very difficult.”


Goalkeeper Ryan Sandford’s loan deal from Millwall has officially expired and the gaffer has also paid tribute via Echosport:

“I have to make it very clear, has been fantastic but he goes back to Millwall this week.”

No doubt in any Terras fans’ minds that Sandford will go down in memory following the viral quadruple save against Bath City, a main highlight.

We would also personally like to thank Millwall with their cooperation during this loan spell.


We wish Claudio and Ryan all the very best in their future careers.

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