As many of you are aware, we are due to play Chippenham Town on Tuesday 7th March in a vitaly important league fixture to determine the clubs future in the National League South and therefore implications both on and off the pitch. The Dorset Senior Cup Final is also scheduled for the same night.

Under the rules of the competition, the County Cup takes precedence over our league fixture and Dorset FA would be well within their rights to force us to postpone this fixture.  Given this fixture clash, we have been in talks with both Dorset FA and our opponents Poole Town regarding the potential rescheduling of this game, which is not easy to do within the rules, but it also needs to uphold the integrity of the competition. Both clubs have busy schedules between now and the end of the season with both fighting to achieve their own goals.

In light of this, we have been able to come to an agreement between all three parties that will see us still be able play our league fixture with Chippenham on the 7th and then visit Poole Town on the 8th of March for the cup final each with 7:45pm kick offs.

I would like to pass on my thanks to both Dorset FA and Poole Town for their co-operation and support in achieving this compromise. To be very clear, we will show absolute respect to the rules and integrity of the Senior Cup competition by fielding a competitive side in the cup final and will be looking to win that final as much as Poole Town will also be.

Paul Maitland

Weymouth F.C. C.E.O

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