Charlie Rowan was one of a number of new signings through the door but joins a small pool of players returning having previously played for the club last season before a shoulder injury ruled him out and saw his loan at Weymouth cut short.

Ahead of our first pre-season game against Shaftesbury on Thursday, we sat down with the defender to talk ahead of the new season and how the squad are gelling after a busy summer of recruitment.


Firstly (Charlie) how are you feeling after the first week back?


“It feels amazing to be back, spent a long time out after my shoulder surgery so to touch the ball and get to know my new teammates was amazing.”


“We are already becoming close and we will only grow the more pre-season unfolds.”


The first pre-season game coming up, as a player are you looking forward to just getting back out playing or is there an element of gearing up for the season and getting fit?


“The first pre-season game is on Thursday and I can’t wait to be back out there, the main thing at this point is getting through the game and getting as much fitness under the belt as possible, but at the same time we want to win.”


“Winning becomes a habit and it’s important we go into the season full of confidence.”


You’re one of the multiple new players through the door, and I think one thing fans want to know is what the squad’s morale is like have you all bonded and got that togetherness, did you all click straight away?


“Yes we have a lot of new faces through the door but we have clicked already, we are forming partnerships all over the pitch but more importantly, they are all good people.”


“It’s vital we have a strong team morale as I’ve seen first hand through getting promoted with Oxford last season how far a close group can take you.”


With regards to your signing what brought you back to Weymouth, was there a sense of unfinished business?


“First of all, it’s a massive club, a club that shouldn’t be fighting to stay in the league, a club that should be fighting to get back into the national league.”


“I do feel like I have unfinished business as my time was cut short due to the injury.”


“I also want to repay the faith the manager and club have put in me by sticking with me through my injury”


We know the overall goal for the club going forward, but for yourself what personal goals have you got ahead of the season?


“Personally, I want to have a massive part in the club’s success.”


“I want to play a full season and show what I know I can do, but the main thing is to go up, that’s it, nothing less, either the playoffs or winning the whole thing it doesn’t matter I want to go up.”


A lot of the squad who came in all said that the gaffer was key in the signing, what is Bobby like behind the scenes in getting your physically and mentally match-ready?


“The gaffa has been first class, even through my injury he would check up on me when others wouldn’t, that meant a lot and made me hungry to come back and sign.”


“So far in pre-season, everything has been with the ball and he has set the standards really high, a lot of detail in his coaching trying to get his ideas across and already he has done that.”


“He’s a pleasure to play under and we are all hungry to do well”

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