Tudors 1-2 Terras

Your Terras starting line-up:

Benfield, Sesay, Cheshire, Rowan, Hamblin, McQuoid, Bearwish, O’Connell, Rollinson, Goodship, Roberts

Tudors starting line up:

King, McKenzie, J Williams, Ajayi, G Williams, Iaciofano, Sayoud, Re, Smith, Briscoe, Judd

The Terras started the match strongest, after Goodship’s fast paced cross thunders across the face of goal. With no Terras player able to get on the end of it.

Anthony Cheshire dealt with two strikes expertly. Throwing himself in front of the ball on both occasions.

Some more good defending followed as this time it was Charlie Rowan who cut out a shot from our hosts.

In the twenty fourth minute it would be the Terras who struck first. Brandon Goodship stepping up to slot home after Dan Roberts won the penalty with some good footwork. Goodship slotted home into the bottom right corner, making it two goal involvements to start off his campaign.

Gerard Benfield would produce an outstanding stop to deny Iaciofano in the fourty second minute. With many of the home crowd celebrating before Benfield even had the chance to save it!

However it would take just a minute before the hosts equalised. Courtesy of an Ajayi header.

A pass back to Craig in the Hemel goal allowed Brandon Goodship to have a go. As he saw his effort blocked by the heel of McKenzie.

At the break it was all square.

Between the 60th minute and the 68th, Howe, Stagg and Rees would replace O’Connell, Sesay and Goodship.

And on the 78th minute, Tom Stagg made an instant impact upon his late inclusion into this afternoon’s side. Curling a venomous cross into the far right hand corner. Stagg wheeled away in celebration as that goal would turn out to be the match winner for the Terras.

After that goal the Terras began a series of game management techniques, all working superbly and saw us thorugh to the final whistle. With the Terras taking all three points back to the Bob Lucas Stadium!

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