WEYMOUTH FC’s board of directors gave an update on the club’s ongoing search for a new ground at the club’s AGM this evening.

Chairman Chris Pugsley gave a statement to shareholders and supporters and stated that “one site has been identified by the board and Wessex Delivery LLP.”

The statement reads: “The site would, in our opinion, meet all the needs of the club, but equally importantly, provide the opportunity for a tremendous multisport community facility for Weymouth.”

The Echo understands a site for a 5,000-capacity community stadium and associated facilities is being looked at between Weymouth Rugby Club and the overflow car park of the underused Mount Pleasant park and ride facility.

The statement continues: “Formal discussions with the landowners have not yet commenced, but we have undertaken informal discussions with a view to moving the project forward before the end of the year.

“As formal discussions have not yet started, the board does not think that it is proper to disclose the site out of respect for the landowners.


“The board can assure all shareholders and supporters that the board continues to work in a determined fashion to secure the best interests of the club.”


Meanwhile, the club’s accounts for 2013/14 showed a loss of £37,363.

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