JASON Matthews admitted he found Saturday’s shock 3-2 defeat at Bedworth “soul destroying” and was left questioning how much desire his side have to push for promotion this term.

Despite a late flurry at the Oval to bring an ounce of respectability to the scoreline, Weymouth were still left with egg on their faces after succumbing to defeat against the lowly Greenbacks, who are still seven points from safety and second from bottom in the Evo-Stik Southern Premier Division.

Terras’ full-back Jake Wannell was given his marching orders in the second half against Bedworth, who were also left with 10 men.

Jordan Copp also came off the bench to miss a penalty, a moment which Matthews believes was crucial.

“Overall, I need to question some of the lads’ desire after the performance,” the Terras’ chief told Echosport.

“Plenty was said in the dressing room after – a lot of it not fit for the paper. That’s the most disappointed I have been in two years of being in charge.

“The boys are down and I will defend them as much as I can but I can’t defend that.”

He added: “After making great strides last week we put in an absolutely terrible performance.

“If we played anything near to the way we played against Kettering we would have won the game comfortably. We never got to grips with the game early doors and it gave Bedworth a lift.

“The goals we conceded were very unlike us this season and we always had a mountain to climb.

“Couple that with missing a penalty again with 15 minutes to go.

“I firmly believe if that penalty goes in we win the game.

“The Hitchin game we can actually say we lost to a good side. On Saturday, with all due respect to Bedworth, we haven’t lost to a good side or done ourselves justice.”

And with his team coming unstuck in such shocking fashion, the Terras’ chief admitted he was left with far more questions than answers about his group of players.

He added: “It’s soul destroying from a manager’s point of view.

“I am questioning myself at half-time and thinking ‘What have I got to do to get them to play for me?’.

“I would question some of the lads and whether they have actually got what it takes to get promotion after Saturday’s performance. Games don’t come much bigger than Poole on Tuesday now.”

Dorset Echo

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