HARRY Baker was delighted with a brace that saw Weymouth take all three points in a difficult game away against Banbury United in the Evo-Stik Southern Premier Division.

Goals in the fourth and 57th minute from the Terras striker got the win against the Puritans who went very close to equalising but found Weymouth goalkeeper Mark Travers in inspired form.

Baker said: “It is brilliant, the most important thing is that it was an all round team performance, one to 11 we were fantastic and dug in deep on a cold windy day away from home as well so it is a really big three points.”


Weymouth endured a late spell of pressure as Banbury threatened an equaliser but the defence were in superb form as they held firm.

Baker said: “Our defence was outstanding, Zubar, Callum Buckley and the keeper were unbelievable.

“I got the goal for the winner and then they just kept coming at us and coming at us and we kept replying with defensive blocks. It was brilliant.”

Banbury levelled just before half-time as a Tom Winters shot deflected of Abdulai Baggie and into the net as the Terras went in level despite leading for most of the half.

Speaking about how it felt to go in level Baker said: “It is a gutter but we are still 1-1 away from home on not the greatest pitch.


“It is a tough place to go Banbury so it is not the end of the world to come in at 1-1 but to go on and get the win is a massive three points.”

Weymouth’s winning goal started as Banbury were on the attack as Baggie broke away, passed the ball to Ben Thomson who swung the ball into Baker who fired home at the back post.

Baker said: “It shows the fitness in the team.

“Obviously Tommo has done really well and he has pulled it across and I have made that run what I always do and just managed to get on the end of it.”

Baker was pleased with the character shown by the squad after the Banbury equaliser as he said: “It just squirmed into the bottom corner which was a bit of a gutter before half time but the character was great to come back out, score the second goal and then defend it off.”


Ashley Wells returned for Weymouth late into the match and Baker was happy to see him return: “It is great to have him back. He has been brilliant this season, he has been unfortunate with a couple of knocks. He is a key player for us and it is great to have him back out there.”

The Weymouth attack gelled well throughout the match and were rewarded with the two goals, as Baker said: “We linked really well and when it comes off it is good to watch and thankfully it did.”

Weymouth next face Redditch United at home at the weekend before the Boxing Day derby with Dorchester at the Bob Lucas Stadium.

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