WEYMOUTH have announced a partnership with the Anglo European College of Chiropractic (AECC).

The partnership with the Bournemouth based college, which will last throughout the coming season, will see the college assist the Terras throughout the season with regards to medical advice and specialist help.

Weymouth manager Mark Molesley said: “I have always been a champion of their work and I was delighted that when I spoke to them they were keen to get involved and help us.

“Their facilities and their expertise will be unrivalled at our level so to get that kind of professional facility on board with us is a real coup for the club.”

The college took the testing of the Weymouth players on Tuesday prior to them beginning pre-season training.

Molesley also revealed that he used them himself during his own career.

Molesley said: “I was indebted as a player, in my career I was probably told to retire at 28, I had quite a bad injury during my time at Bournemouth and I heavily used the AECC as a player for my own rehab.

“They worked so hard with me and I was so impressed with the facilities and the staff and the students that have come through there have been some of the best people I have worked with in the medical profession.

“We are always looking to improve and get better and there is certainly an area there that our rehab and our strength and conditioning will definitely be improved through having them.”

Molesley explained that they will be able to help the Terras’ players throughout the season, including monitoring them and assist with recover.

Molesley said: “They are there to help our players get fitter faster and monitor our player’s fitness throughout the season.

“It also gives us a facility if our players need any extra treatment or a little bit more in-depth look at anything which is troubling.

“I feel it is another big step forward for the club to partner up with them.”

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