The Board of Directors of Weymouth FC would like to thank the vast majority of Terras fans for their magnificent support on our return to the Vanarama National South League at Maidstone.

However, Weymouth FC and the Football Association will not tolerate unauthorized encroachment onto the field of play. It is a criminal offence under the Football (Offences) Act 1991.

Any person proved to have committed such an offence will be dealt with severely by Weymouth FC and, if necessary, the Police.

The maximum punishment for such an offence is imprisonment and/or a lifetime Football Banning Order, which will mean a ban from either a particular ground or All Football Matches.

The Weymouth FC Board of Directors will be reviewing all evidence from the game at Maidstone before taking appropriate action.

All supporters are reminded that they represent the club when travelling to away grounds either on the official supporter’s coach or under their own steam and that their actions could have repercussions for the Club as well as themselves. We urge them to act accordingly, as they have done so superbly for many years.

Once again thank you to those that behaved impeccably and helped the team achieve its first victory of the new season.

Board of Directors
Weymouth Football Club Ltd

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