Josh Barton: Ten games in and we are in the play-off places and in seventh, you must be pleased?

Stéphane Zubar: I’m very happy with the start after 10 games. I know we lost 2 games in a row just lately but there are lots of positives. We have a few new players and I think they have blended in well with the squad in these games. I think we will also get better, we played 8 games in 4 weeks and now we can start to develop our football.

JB: Do you look at it like you have a role to play with the younger players this season? Particularly Sam Sherring and Shaun Hobson.

SZ: Yes of course! I’m getting old now! I would like to take this club back to the National League Premier, that is where I think we belong. We have a lot of good young players and I will do my best to help them in any way I can. Not many people can see what goes on behind the scenes but we have a fantastic young manager, he puts in so much work and was the big reason for us winning the league. I want to do all I can to help the club, you never know how far you can go. I think when you wear this Weymouth shirt you have to give everything, that’s the most important thing.

JB: How pleased are you with your own form?

SZ: Personally, I am pleased with my start to the season but I always feel I can do better. When you play part-time football it is difficult. Having said that I have finished my course, I was doing an electrical course but that is done now so I can focus on my football more. In my head, I want to play every game but sometimes my body only allows one game per week, I’ve had different injuries over the years including two ACL injuries. I will always do my best though and we will see what happens next season but for now, I will give my best this season and see where we end up.

JB: How far can we go this season?

SZ: Me personally, I think we can achieve a play-off place this season. We are good enough and we know that and I always aim high from a personal view, I dream big and I want to achieve things in my life. With the squad we’ve got we can do big things. It’s very much step-by-step. If you ask me can we win any game in this league? Yes, we can. I’m 33 and I’m not getting younger, so let’s see what can happen. If we win games we will be there at the end. As a fan, you think a certain way and as a player, you look to win every game but we take it one step at a time.

JB: Mark Travers made his debut for Ireland last night. What a story for him Zubes.

SZ: It’s very, very good news for him, I’m so pleased for him. We talk every now and then as we are friends on Facebook and I wish him all the best. I’m not surprised by it as I think he’s a very very good goalkeeper and he started at Weymouth as we gave him the opportunity to play senior football. We should be proud of that as a club and I know he is proud of his time with us. I saw him make his debut at Bournemouth and he works hard and deserves his chance.

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