John Pritchard: To start off mate can you tell us your first football memory?

Brett Williams: My first football memory was back watching my brother and his friends play down the park and wanting to join in with them!

JP: Can you remember the first pair of shoes or football boots you wore when you began to play?

BW: The first pair of football boots I remember wearing was a pair of red puma kings back in the day!

JP: What was the first bit of advice that stood out to you either as a player or as a person?

BW: Head the ball don’t let the ball head you!

JP: That’s definitely a first on the series, can you expand on that just by telling us who gave you that advice and how come it stuck?

BW: To be honest I think I just come up with it! As I have been at a few clubs where managers have tried teaching defenders how to head the ball.

JP: There always has to be someone who says it first! Over the years you have scored a lot of goals however, can you tell us the first goal you remember scoring that meant something big?

BW: My nan who was very close to me unfortunately passed away and the next game I played I scored a hat-trick! It was for Eastleigh U18 but it meant a lot at the time!

JP: Can you remember the first player you have either played with or against and your first thought was “wow he’s good”?

BW: Ian Harte at Reading, my peg was next to his and I always remembered him at Leeds and for Ireland in the World Cup! I was a little bit star-struck if I’m honest!

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