Billy Neale: Four goals in three games for you, you’re turning into a bit of a goal machine?

Jake McCarthy: Well, I’ll let you decide that one! I need to get closer to 20 to earn the machine on at the end. I’d say I’m a bit of a goal threat currently! I’ve been working on my finishing and knew that I needed to add some goals to my game. I’m happy to have been able to chip in recently and help the team out.

BN: The team is in great form Jake. To be honest we are flying. What do you put it down to?

JM: Yes we are doing well at the moment! I’m not even joking when I say this – but we still have not reached anywhere near our best! I put our good form down to the intensity of our training sessions and of course the overall quality in the changing room.

BN: We do have lots of quality! Putting your goals aside, your personal form is very good anyway. I have heard many Terras fans saying how you are bossing the midfield. Do you feel on top of your game from a personal point of view?

JM: I am feeling confident on the pitch as I always do, especially when you’re scoring you have that extra boost. At the moment I feel as though we’ve got the momentum of winning games which we have been used to doing the last 2 years. We go into every game knowing we can win it if we play well, it’s a great position to be in. I feel as though I’ve hit some good form in terms of goal scoring recently – but as always there are plenty more areas to keep on working on.

BN: The attendances are on the up and the town is really buzzing about the club at the moment. How do you describe the mood when you arrive at the Bob Lucas Stadium, do you think the momentum has carried on from our success last season?

JM: The mood at the stadium is excellent at the moment and there is a real buzz around the place! 100% winning is a great habit to get into and I feel as though all we have really done since joining Weymouth is win games and we are not used to losing. This could well be why we are doing so well currently.

BN: Good stuff Jake! Lastly, how is fatherhood?

JM: It’s the best thing in the world! I cannot describe the feeling. The sleepless nights are worth it. It is amazing to become a family of three and my partner is doing really well and was amazing all throughout such a quick labour. I am so proud and thankful for her bringing baby Mabel into this world so perfectly. To be honest, I cannot wait until she’s old enough to come down to Bob Lucas Stadium herself!

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