Good Evening Everyone

First of all, I am going to give you a quick update on the Wessex Fantasy Football.

I will be finishing the March 2020 competition later today or tomorrow. As there were some games played in March 2020 I am able to finish this month’s competition and award the two prizes which will need to be delivered by bank transfer.

The final competition (April 2020) will sadly of course not take place. If you would like your fee for April 2020 refunded we can do that of course. If you don’t we will keep it in the WessexFF fund and it will be used over the coming weeks and months to help the club cope during this very difficult period.

Moving forward the Wessex Fantasy Football fund will become the vessel for those that wish to donate into the club. We have a number of interesting ventures on the way and we really hope you will all get involved. This is our club and we have worked so hard over the last two years to get it to where it is now.

We have already received some donations and I want to thank Malcolm Crockett, David Bird and Mr & Mrs Freak for their very generous donations.

If you would like to donate to the club then please do it via the Wessex Fantasy Football Donation Page at the link below.

Thank you, all of you the Terras Family.

Ian White
Wessex Fantasy Football
Weymouth FC Chairman.



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