We catch up with Ollie Harfield for our latest weekly player interview. Ollie talks to us about his excellent first season with the Terras and how he instantly built a connection with the fans.

Josh Barton: Thank you for joining us Ollie. First of all, how are things going? Are you managing the keep busy?

Ollie Harfield: I’m pretty lucky with the lockdown as I live in the countryside so it doesn’t feel like it’s affected me too much! I have been doing a lot of jobs that I haven’t recently had the time to do.

JB: Football has been rightfully put on the back burner right now with what’s going on. I’m sure Terras fans will agree that you have had an excellent first season. Can you sum it up for us from your perspective?

OH: It’s been a good season personally & collectively. Hopefully, we get to finish the playoffs if it’s safe to do so! I’m looking forward to getting back as there is still a lot to come from me.

JB: It’s been mentioned before that you quickly built a connection with the fans (there have even been some twitter accounts named after you). How easy did you find the settling in process as a whole?

OH: The fans have been really good to me and very welcoming! It’s massively important to have the fans on your side. To be honest it’s a really easy club to settle into. Everything is very professional.

JB: Your teammates. Now we see that you all like to indulge in some light-hearted banter from time to time. Who in your opinion thinks that they are the funniest?

OH: I’d have to say Thommo or Brett! They definitely consider themselves the funniest, must be an age thing!

JB: The regular season is finished but there is still the chance of playoffs. As a player and from a personal point of view, would you be keen to play?

OH: I’d be keen to play yes. However, it won’t have the ‘matchday feel’ without the fans. I think the most frustrating thing about it all is not knowing what’s going to happen, but the health of everyone has to come before football!

JB: Finally, a message for the fans.

OH: I hope all you Terras fans are keeping safe in these difficult times! I know it’s difficult for everyone, missing football, being stuck at home, but it’s massively important to stay positive and look forward to happier times that I’m sure aren’t too far away! Also a massive shoutout to all the key workers that are out there keeping things together for everyone! See you all soon.

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