Josh Barton: Thommo. Firstly, we know you are a fans’ favourite and a fan yourself; how much are you looking forward to their return on Saturday?

Ben Thomson: I can’t wait to have the fans back in the stadium. I know how much it means to all of them to be back and for the majority, it’s more than just turning up to watch a game of football. It’s a passion, it’s the difference between a bad weekend or a good one. And I can’t wait to hear and see all of them Saturday! Football with no fans is incredibly bleak.

JB: We are also playing in front of the BT Sport cameras at the weekend. Did you ever think you’d be playing a league game for Weymouth on prime time television?

BT: Never in a million years! It’s a great achievement. It’s a big thing for the whole town and it’s something the fans, players, staff and everybody who helps out with the club should be immensely proud of. It’s barbaric to have a cart-horse like Calvin Brooks on BT Sport mind but there we go.

JB: How do you assess our start to the season overall?

BT: It’s been so, so I think. It’s been good in the sense that we’ve been more than capable of beating every team we’ve played, and we’ve played some top sides, and that’s how it is. Regardless of it being a new league, and maybe the expectations aren’t to win every game like we’ve been used to in the last few years, but in my opinion, we could have done better at times by taking 3 points off more teams. But in another light, it is a tough league and we’re more than holding our own so it’s comforting positives to see what the test is and understand we’re more than up for that test.

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