Following on from last week’s fan’s forum, I would like to maintain our promise to keep fans abreast of our position.

I am pleased to say the goodwill towards the club has continued and we have been able to make inroads into cutting costs and realigning the clubs financial position. Commercially we are working on all aspects of raising funds and hopefully we will have more good news to come, you will notice in this week’s programme that player sponsorships have been selling well and if you would like to sponsor one of the players or staff, then please contact us.

We are hoping to arrange an evening with David and the squad at the ground for you to meet and chat with them. I am currently in talks with the SA about getting our Hall of Fame evening back up and running along with a couple of other events we hope to bring to you. As I said at the forum if you have ideas, please come forward with them and ideally if you can help set them up/ run them even better.
I appreciate it is a tough time to be a supporter at the moment and you are all greatly appreciated even if you don’t always feel like it! Keep asking your questions and keep getting behind the players. Last Tuesday’s gate was testament to each and everyone of you and the atmosphere was just what was needed, those of you that followed the team to Chelmsford thank you, it’s so important to the players to know you are with them.
Paul Maitland – Interim CEO

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