CEO Paul Maitland wishes to share this message ahead of the festive period.

As the year draws to its conclusion and the festive season is upon us, I wanted to take the opportunity to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I think for the majority, 2022 has been another turbulent year but one that we have come through and we are able to look forward to 2023 with renewed vigour and optimism for our Football Club.

In the face of great adversity we have come together, reminded ourselves and the non league world that we are resilient, strong, we are Weymouth and we never take a step back even during our hardest times!

To each of you, thank you for the support, whether that’s been as a volunteer, a sponsor, a player, a fan, a team member, SA, stewards, the groundsman, travel club, ticket sellers, bar staff and anyone else connected to the club and finally the Board.

I hope I speak for us all when I save my last thanks for our Manager Bobby and his family. Ever since they have arrived at our club the place has been transformed, so much positivity, togetherness, drive and determination, nothing too much trouble and time for everyone. Bobby has reminded us of the traits and values we must hold dear and that we are much stronger together.

So whatever you are doing this Christmas take a moment to reflect on the part you have played and be incredibly proud as I am.

From me and my family to you and yours have a wonderful Christmas…and 2023 we’re coming for you!


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