Ten of the best with Leo Hamblin

We’ve compiled your best ten questions to ask Leo –  yesterday he sat down with us and gave his thoughts!

Who do you sit next to in the dressing room?

Teddy Howe and Ant [Cheshire]. It’s where our numbers are placed. Teddy has a good bit of banter about him, and so does Ant to be fair. It’s a good pair to be in-between.

What’s your journey to football like?

I started from a young age, about three or four, with my Dad running the Sunday team. From there I was at Halliford Colts, a team near me. I was then at QPR for three seasons, before I got released.

I then went back to non-league, for Hampton, when I was at 12, but when I needed to do my A-Levels at Woking College, I played for Woking and made my senior debut there in the National League.

Who was the first club you played for ?

Woking was the first men’s club I played for, in the COVID season.

COVID hit and a few players were furloughed, so I got my opportunity and played 10 or so games. I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was a good experience.

Who was your football idol growing up?

Gareth Bale, always has been. I’m a Tottenham fan so him playing there certainly helped. At that time he was the main man who made things happen. He also started out as a left back.

I used to copy his haircut!

VAR. Is it doing the game any good?

No, I’m not happy with it. Obviously if it impacts your team in a good way you’re happy with it and if it doesn’t you’re not, but overall it takes that excitement away when they’re checking a goal.

I personally don’t like it.

Calvin Brooks wants to know who’s your favourite team mate and why?

I like all of them! I can’t answer that question!

Who’d win a fight between a baboon and a badger?

It has to be a baboon, no? It depends on the size, but overall I’d say a baboon is bigger.

What’s the best goal you’ve scored?

There’s not been many! It was in a friendly last year for Carshalton!

I went through about three or four players and put it in the bottom corner. There’s not many to choose from, so it would have to be that one!

How do you see your football career developing?

League football is definitely the aim, but my goal is just to play at the highest [level] I can for as long as I can. I’m just going to keep working hard.

Obviously I back myself, so hopefully I can keep progressing.

What attracted you to signing for Weymouth?

The gaffer! The way he called me, spoke to me, and wanted me to play in terms of going forward, which I love.

When a club like Weymouth are interested, you say yes straight away.

Interview by Jack Webb

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