Interview with Brandon Goodship

As a player, how would Brandon Goodship describe himself in just a few sentences?

I’m a player who wants to get on the ball at every opportunity, create chances and make things happen. It’s important to get on the ball in difficult situations, in pockets, and create chances for the team.

You’ve played for a number of clubs. Is there anything about Weymouth that stands out from the others?

The first place I have to start is the fans. Ever since I first joined the club, back in 2017, they’ve always stuck by us and travelled in numbers. There’s also a lot of loyal volunteers who do everything to help the club out, with raising money and making sure the stadium is clean. It’s a nicely run family club.

I want to take you back to where it all started. How did you get into football?

I would have been around four-years-old when I first got into football. I joined a Sunday league team near me called Poole Borough and I’ve been in love with the game ever since. There’s quite a few players, such as Josh Carmichael and Harry Cornick, who have gone on to have decent careers.

Who was your footballing idol growing up?

Alan Shearer without a doubt. Still to this day. I’m a big Newcastle fan, so watching him score goals on my TV every week made me fall in love with the club even more. I wouldn’t say my game is based too much around his, but I’ve tried to add his love for scoring into my own play.

Was he your biggest inspiration?

I guess so, but my Mum and Dad are also big inspirations for me. Everything I’ve done in the game is down to them. I suppose I would say those three.

Who’s the best player you’ve played against?

It would have to be Thiago Silva when we played Chelsea in a friendly two years ago. It was frightening so see the level he was at. His reading of the game and positioning, he was just a Rolls-Royce. It made me realise the level you have to be at to play on the big stage.

Best goal you’ve ever scored?

One I scored for Weymouth five or six years ago against Biggleswade. The ball came to me and I flicked it over the defender’s head!

Then I lobbed the keeper after!

I can’t think of too many off the top of my head that would top that.

You’ve been playing for a while now. What sort of advice do you give to the younger players?

First and foremost enjoy the game, but also enjoy it while being disciplined in what you want to achieve. Make sure to take advice from the older players too. They’ve been there and done it.

But the main thing is definitely to enjoy the game and express yourself when you play. Throughout my career, I’ve played my best football when I’ve enjoyed myself.

What’s your biggest pet peeve in football?

Players who don’t take responsibility for themselves. For instance, if a player makes a mistake but always looks to blame another player. I’ve played with a few of those in my career, where it’s always someone else’s fault.

We can make it five games unbeaten in all comps on Saturday. Things just seem to be clicking on the pitch between the boys recently. Why do you think that is?

Sometimes in football you need a bit of a lucky break. In the last few weeks our hard work has been paying off. After the Bath loss, we had a sit down and decided this wasn’t acceptable. A few home truths were said.

Since that meeting, we’ve all kicked on and started pulling our weight. We’re all heading in the same direction.

Can the boys get that win on Saturday?

Of course we can! We go into every game wanting to win. We’ll be going to Braintree to get all three points.

Interview by
Jack Webb

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