Interview with Leo Hamblin - Weymouth FC

Leo, this is your first season at Weymouth. What was it like coming here? How have you enjoyed your time here since?

It was exciting!

There were a lot of us who came in the summer, so I was excited about what was to come, and, since then, I’ve enjoyed every minute. Of course some moments this season have been better than others, but this season has been very enjoyable.

What, would you say, is the most important thing you’ve learnt during your time here?

To enjoy playing football. In the past, I’ve enjoyed football, but not the games as much. This season, I’ve enjoyed things a lot more. Being on the ball, the atmosphere, the players, the staff, everything.

Before, at past clubs, I didn’t want to be the one to make a mistake, so I would play in my comfort zone. This year, I’ll try different things on the pitch. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t, but I’ve learnt to just keep on playing.

You’ve become a creative influence from full-back. Five ‘pre-assists’ so far this season. What’s it like having so key to our attacking play?

I love it. I like getting involved and starting attacks, and it’s a good feeling when it results in a goal.

It’s the role of a modern full-back, now, isn’t it?

We do get forward and create chances. I haven’t scored yet this season, but, hopefully, that will come.

You and Teddy Howe have quite the partnership. Teddy has said that the great thing about you two is that you push each other.

What’s it like having a level of support and understanding with someone in a similar position?

We bounce off each other. We sit next to each other in the changing room, so we’re always joking before a game. Even if one of us does something well, such as getting an assist, we’ll joke about it after a game.

We’re tallying our assists; he’s beating me so far. He keeps passing to Brandon Goodship, who keeps scoring!

What would you rather?

To make a last-minute goal-line clearance, or to have a player score a last-minute winner from a pinpoint-accurate Leo Hamblin cross?

A winner from a pinpoint cross. Obviously it takes a bit of bravery to get in the way of a shot, but a cross is more technical. Also, you count your assists, not your blocks!

You click pretty well with the team on the pitch. What’s your relationship with the boys like off it?

It’s the best changing room I’ve been in. We’re all mates, so being at Weymouth really is as simple as playing footy with your mates. Usually you get a few different groups in changing rooms, but everyone gets on here. You see that in the videos with our pre-match meals and celebrations after the game.

Everyone moulds so well. The banter, the mindset, everything is good.

Has an end-of-season party been discussed yet?

It hasn’t. Tom Bearwish will be in charge, so I’ll have to message him about that!

Teddy fancies himself as the club DJ before games. Will that stay the same at a party?

He would if he could, but he’s dropped his standards with DJ-ing recently. The boys are moaning a little bit!

After we win a game, he’ll play house music, instead of something like Robbie Williams. We want to have a sing-song. But, fair play to him. He DJs, and I don’t.

What music would you play if you were in charge?

Here’s the thing, I listen to a mix of genres. Before a game, I used to listen to a lot of rap. Now, I listen to quite slow songs. I like to stay relaxed going into games, but I’m not sure the boys would appreciate it!

Easter is just around the corner. Are you an Easter egg man?

Or, do you prefer simple chocolate?

I do like Kit-Kat Chunky. I couldn’t tell you why, it’s just my favourite. But, if I had to choose an Easter egg it would be a mini egg one. Those ones are the nicest, aren’t they?

What would you rather? To receive a mushy-pea Easter egg or to play one game for Y*ovil?

Definitely a mushy-pea Easter egg. I have to choose that one!

Speaking of, just how much would it mean to the club to win on Monday?

It would be massive. We know just how huge this game is for the fans, and the fact they’re top of the league makes it even bigger. We know how big the atmosphere will be. We would love to beat them, and we will do our best to do that. Hopefully, we can give the fans a good show.

Obviously we have a tough game at Bath on Friday first, but hopefully we can take Friday’s result into Monday and play Y*ovil full of confidence.

You’ve already mentioned the next game, up at Bath. The team seems to really enjoy playing on the road. How confident are the lads going into that fixture?

We’re confident. We know that they’re a good team, but, on our day, we can beat anyone, and we are better on the road this season. But, it’s just another game for us, and we’ll do our best to get three points.

Interview by
Jack Webb

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