STEVE Johnson admitted the post-ponement of Weymouth’s Conference South trip to Sutton United was a ‘massive blow’.

The clash was called off due to a waterlogged Gander Green Lane pitch after an early morning pitch inspection.

But the Terras boss, who was desperate for the game to be played, is convinced conditions would have improved had the U’s delayed a decision until nearer kick off.

He said: “It’s a real blow for the game to be called off because I was really keen to play and the players were also chomping at the bit.

“But what disappoints me most is the circumstances around the post-ponement, supposedly because the pitch was flooded through melted snow.

“Sutton called in a local referee to have a look at the pitch at 9am, a full six hours before kick off, and he called it off straight away.

“Why couldn’t the proper match referee have made an assessment nearer kick off because I’m sure things would have improved.

I get the impression Sutton weren’t too keen to play us on Saturday, I know they’ve got a few injuries at the moment.

“I’m not saying conditions would have been perfect but more time should have been given before a final decision was made.

“My daughter actually lives in Sutton and she told me the weather was sunny on Saturday morning.

“That would have meant any surface water could have gone by the time kick off came around.

“As it is, we now face a long trip to Sutton in midweek which is the worst possible outcome for us and the best for Sutton.”

Johnson. who instead watched Dorchester take on Hornchurch, fears the postponement could have a psychological impact on his side.

He said: “We’ve had a poor run of results in our last three games and it’s important we end that run as soon as possible.

“The Sutton game provided us with that opportunity which we’ve been denied.

“Not playing means the teams around us in the league have had the opportunity to overtake us in the table which is not good for morale.

“At this stage of the season you want points in the bag, not games in hand.”

Many of those expected to be on duty at Sutton are now likely to take on Portland United in the Sammy McGowan Cup at Grove Corner on Wednesday night.

“If we didn’t have that game, it would mean a fortnight between matches for a number of players and that’s no good for anyone,” said Johnson.

“I was planning to treat the Portland match as a reserve game but quite a few first teamers will probably play now.”

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