WEYMOUTH manager Mark Molesley admits he does not want to lose anyone in light of the Terras agreeing fresh terms with several players in the past week.

Ashley Wells, Ben Thomson and Josh Carmichael have all agreed fresh terms with the club since Friday, with Jake McCarthy, Callum Buckley and Brandon Goodship having all extended their deals during the 2017/18 season.

Molesley said: “I think on reflection the boys deserve it, they have done well. It was always our plan to keep the group together, we do not really want to lose anyone.”

Weymouth have moved quickly to announce the players having agreed fresh terms, with Ashley Wells having been announced on Friday just two days after their season came to an end with a 3-0 loss at King’s Lynn Town in the Evo-Stik Southern Premier Division play-off semi-final.

Molesley said: “As soon as that last ball was kicked at King’s Lynn the wheels started in motion for next season straight away.

“We are keen to carry on the hard work and I am keen for the players to carry on their good work as well.”

“We are a young group getting better and we are all growing together and it is important that we kept the players.

“It is good that they wanted to stay and be a part of Weymouth because they have enjoyed their time here and I think they feel that they could go on and be successful here.

Commenting on the pace of the announcements, Molesley said: “We were not going to hang around, obviously talks have been ongoing for the last few months, with the players as well. The wheels are always in motion it was just a case of getting the season out of the way first.

“We are getting round all of the squad now. so we are pleased to keep most of the group together and like I said I want to keep all of the group together, it is just whether we can make it financially work or whether it works for the players as well.

“We have had a good race this season and we want to run an even better one next year.”

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