Stéphane Zubar talks to Louie James of as we find out his thoughts on the Terras squad, his recent marriage and we ask him who would win an arm wrestle between himself and Ben Thomson… After missing out on promotion last season, do you think this current squad has what it takes to go one further and get promoted this season?

Stéphane Zubar: Last season we were really close and now we’ve got a few signings I think the squad is good enough to push and win the league. Im pleased with the players we’ve bought so far this season. Even though we lost against Bournemouth (Under 23’s) we are training twice a week and I am pleased with the squad we have got. A lot of the players have been saying how the squad for this season looks good and they are glad it’s very similar to last seasons. How do you rate the pre-season at Weymouth compared to other clubs you have played for?

SZ: I think the pre season at Weymouth is just like a league football team’s. All the staff and all the players have got the quality so I would say it’s quite close to that of a professional club. Obviously you have played for some big clubs in your past so to say our pre season is up there with the best is great to here! Who’s the greatest player you have ever played with throughout your career?

SZ: It’s really hard to say but I’d want to say Baggie. I really like Baggie. The best player though is probably Harry Kane, I played against him when I played for Plymouth. Another great player is Yannick Bolasie so I would probably say the greatest player I have played with is him (Yannick Bolasie). Wow! Those are some massive names to play with/against! You’ve recently got married, how is married life treating you so far?

SZ: Haha! Good question! I got married 6 weeks ago and to be honest there is not much of a difference. My missus always used to say we are not a proper family but now we are a proper family and she can’t say that anymore! What’s most important is that I am happy to be a married man and I think my wife is very lucky to have me! Haha! Quality! As the most experienced player at the club, do you find yourself giving advice to the other players?

SZ: yeah I have experience and I try to share it with the other players. But it’s hard to try to give advice because it’s not full time so some players have got a normal job and you have to try to understand them because it’s not easy to train after work so sometimes they will be a bit tired. But I feel with the quality we have got as a squad the players know exactly what they have to do so I only give them advice when they need it. I’m sure they love having someone so experienced on the team with them. Final question now, who would win in an arm wrestle between you and Thommo?

SZ: Me definitely. For sure. Thommo is just fat! You haven’t seen his tummy before but he’s fat so me for sure! Hahaha! Is there anyone in the squad who’d have a chance against you?

SZ: No. I’m 32 but I’m an animal, something you’ve never seen before so nobodies got even a chance against me!

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