We catch up with Callum Buckley in this edition of “Who are ya”. He discusses the Terras, FIFA ratings, Wallace and Gromit and much more!

John Pritchard: I’m not sure if many people know, but what was the feeling like being on a FIFA game? Did you discuss your stats with mates and did you ever use yourself?

Callum Buckley: When I found out I was on the game I was buzzing! Unfortunately my stats were horrendous, a lot of my mates played with me once and then quickly stopped! My pace was like 50 and FIFA absolutely killed me, but that didn’t stop me playing myself up top every time.

JP: That’s poor from FIFA! Who is the best player you’ve played against?

CB: Well I think Jake mentioned it but we played against MK Done for AFCB youth team and Dele Alli ripped me apart all game! I was running around in circles and I say all game, I got subbed off after 60 minutes!

JP: Yeah was a great chat with Jake. And yes he definitely mentioned that! Also the possibility of an altercation with him!

Can you explain the feeling of hearing the fans cheer, are you use to it or does it feel still feel surreal every time?

CB: Yes there was a slight scuffle!

It’s brilliant. When the fans are in good voice it pushes myself and the lads on so much hopefully we can keep giving them reason to cheer!

JP: I’m sure the fans will continue to cheer and won’t be stopping anytime soon!

Do you have a car school when coming down to games and who do you sit next to on the away coach?

CB: I drive in with the legend, Danny Webb! He is a fantastic lad and does a magnificent job here at Weymouth but after 10 minutes on the road with him, his music taste and horrendous banter can make the long journey feel about 5 hours longer…. I always get the coach a bit later down the road so it’s always busy when I get on, so if I’m really lucky I get to sit next to Dave Tuney!

JP: Yes you aren’t wrong there Danny is a nice guy! Shame he likes a bounty though! Tuney, what a club legend haha!

Being a bit of a boot enthusiast, I see you wearing Adidas, are they your favourite brand for boots?

CB: When I was a kid I loved getting new boots. The brand would always be either Adidas or Nike but now I honestly don’t mind what I wear as long as there comfy and not too out there like Jake McCarthy’s pink boots…

JP: I can imagine he got a little stick when he pulled them out!

Is there a song you listen too but only by yourself as the other lads might take a little dig at you?

CB: And rightly so.

I’m not sure I do. I would be confident to share my playlist with any of the lads!

JP: I’m sure if one of the lads had a dodgy song they would know about it! 

Nearly there, I’m sure you guessed this might be coming! As seen on social media etc, a comparison of you and Wallace from Wallace and Gromit, how did that arise?

CB: Would’ve guessed I would get asked this! 😂 Ash Wells decided to make a comment about my squad photo last year and in fairness, it wasn’t the best photo of me in the world. I still think the Wallace comparison is harsh!

JP: I’ll stick up for you mate, it is a little harsh, but the squad photo really doesn’t help you out! 

And last one, I asked the manager this last week and want to keep including it as it is a real mind thinker. How do you want to be remembered, either as a player or person?

CB: That is a tough one!

I can tell you what I don’t want to be remembered by and that is looking like Wallace from Wallace and Gromit!

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