John Pritchard: Starting off, how did it come about you becoming a Terra?

Ollie Harfield: I was always in contact with Mark throughout the season as I worked with him at Bournemouth. He approached me knowing my situation with Dagenham and it went from there really!

JP: That’s great mate, knowing Mark it must have made it a lot easier to make the decision, was there other selling points of wanting to join Weymouth?

OH: There was a lot of factors that swayed me towards Weymouth; I’ve lived away from my familly for 4/5 years so this gave me an opportunity to move home. Also a style of play that will get the best out of me. It’s a big club going into a very strong league so am looking forward to it.

JP: Yeah definitely mate, sounded like a no brainer! Also must be great coming into a changing room full of lads you know and played with before?

OH: I know a lot of the lads from my time at Bournemouth and have stayed in contact with a few so that always helps, but also looking forward to meeting the other boys.

JP: When arriving it’s fair to say you have received a warm welcome, also with fans from your previous teams saying great things, how good is that for the confidence?

OH: I always try my best to involve myself with the fans as much as possible which I think is important, the closer the bond is between the players/fans the more chance of results being positive, so it’s always nice to see!

JP: Yeah it makes real difference, last one mate, it’s not long now until we get started and training gets going, what are your aims personally and also as a team?

OH: Personally my aims are to have a very strong season. I’m at the age now where I feel I should shine in my position at this level and play as many games as possible. As a team… it’s going to be the strongest league it has been, so we need to go into it knowing what we are up against. As long as we start the season strong who knows where we could end up!

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