COVID-19 has delayed Weymouth’s plans to use £25,000 worth of building materials for ground improvements.

After being awarded the grant by Buildbase, the Terras planned to use the materials to improve facilities at the Bob Lucas Stadium for their disabled contingent of fans.

However, amid the coronavirus pandemic those plans have been pushed back.

Ian White told Echosport that the Terras have been in touch with Buildbase over the delay.

He said: “We did have a plan in place to build something, which we’ll be looking at January.

“We’ve got an extension from Buildbase to sort that because we later found out we needed planning permission.

“We had to do the legal stuff on that and then Covid hit.

“We have been back in touch with Buildbase. They want to see something done, which of course so do we.

“The whole idea was for the disabled community so they can enjoy the football as much as everyone else.

“We’ve got an extension until April, so as soon as we can get things under way and sorted we’ll be doing that.”

Elaborating on the nature of the plans, White said: “The idea is that we’ll put something down on floor level so we can get bar access for disabled people, especially with a wheelchair.

“Hopefully, the idea is that viewing will be possible. I haven’t actually seen any plans yet. We’ve had to slightly redo them because of planning permission.

“We’re hopeful we’ll be building close to where the current disabled (section) is so that they can enjoy the Bob Lucas Stadium, which is what we really want.”

Dorset Echo

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