Off the back of starring in Weymouth’s 3-2 victory over Maidenhead United in the FA Trophy, Jack Hoey spoke to

Amberley Silk (AS): Hi Jack, first of all, congratulations for the win on Saturday, you must have all been happy with the result?

Jack Hoey (JH): It was great to have that feeling back. We’ve been working hard to put the recent results right. I think you could see how much it meant to us all!

AS: You definitely could! I think everyone will agree that you played a massive part in getting that win, you looked like you gave 110%. You even went down in the last 10 minutes but got back up. How did you find it in you to dig deep and get the result you all wanted so badly?

JH: Yeah, I think each and every one of us worked extremely hard! We had great energy all over the pitch something in which I’m sure we will continue to show! I did go down, I would like to say it was tactical, but I was just cramping all over the place!

AS: The effort levels couldn’t be faulted at all! You’ve always been a recognised member of the squad, often named on the bench. How did it feel when you found out you were included in the starting 11 against Maidenhead, a strong side, who are currently in the top half of the league table?

JH: I think sometimes in football you have to be patient. We have a lot of good players here so competition is natural. Saturday was my chance to impress and stake a claim to be involved a lot more, so I was very happy after the game.

AS: And so you should have been! Obviously, you have a game on Boxing Day against Eastleigh, how are you all preparing for that? Will you manage to get a few days of relaxation over Christmas?

JH: Yeah over the Christmas period the games just never seem to stop! We will prepare pretty much as normal. We will just have to be careful with the turkey on Christmas Day!

AS: I bet. Well, I hope you have a lovely Christmas, and good luck for Saturday!

JH: Thank you, Merry Christmas to you and all the Terras fans!

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