Good afternoon Weymouth fans, as Chairman I wanted to reassure you all about the forthcoming 2022/23 season in the National South.

I know some of you are concerned about a lack of perceived activity in the recruiting of players and the departures of current players. David and his team are extremely busy working on new recruits that he feels will work the way he wants to do things and within the structure of the club.

Whilst I know it is hard to see popular players leave, some of which have been with us through the great journey we have been on in recent seasons. It is very much a part of the process. If you cast your minds back to when Mark Molesley first took over something similar happened with a lot of players moving on. However, when Brian Stock first took over most of the squad where in place and business was conducted very quickly due to short turn around between the play offs and the new season in the National League starting.

The squad will evolve over the coming weeks as we head towards the first game of the season on Saturday 6th August.

We as a club are very much looking forward to the preseason and the new challenges that are ahead. David and his team will be returning for pre-season training next Tuesday and I met with him last Friday and he is very much up for the challenge.

As for the club we have learnt a lot of lessons from our two season adventure in the National League. Some good and some very hard lessons. It is a place we want to be at again and to that end we will be looking at ways that we can as a club make that happen. I won’t lie it won’t be easy and there will need to be changes, but why wouldn’t you want to be playing the teams that now inhabit what has become a truly fantastic league. I do believe that together if we all work in the same direction it can be achieved.

Thank you for your patience and continued support we look forward to seeing you in preseason, but for now enjoy your summer.


Ian White

Weymouth FC Chairman.

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