TAKE NOTICE that an Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of Weymouth Football Club Ltd (“the company”) will be held at the Wessex Stadium , Radipole Lane, Weymouth, Dorset at 7pm on Tuesday 30th May 2023 to consider and if thought fit to pass the following ordinary and special resolutions

That Paul Maitland be appointed to the board of directors of Weymouth Football Club Ltd
That Simon Etherington be appointed to the board of directors of Weymouth Football Club Ltd

That the current nominal share capital of Weymouth Football Club Ltd be increased forthwith from one million two hundred and six thousand (1,206,000) shares of 50p each to five million (5,000,000) shares of 50p each.

That the provision in the Weymouth Football Club Community Trust Deed of 9th April 2012 which restricts individual shareholdings in the company to 7.5% of the nominal share capital, be varied to a limit of 15%.

That paragraph 12 of the articles of association of Weymouth Football Club Ltd be amended so that the first sentence thereof shall read “The number of directors shall be not less than 4 nor more than 8”. (note: the current minimum is 6 and maximum 8).

That paragraph 16 of the articles of association of Weymouth Football Club Ltd be deleted . (note: that clause reads “No provision of these articles of association or the memorandum of association shall be altered unless the resolution proposing such alteration shall be approved at a general meeting of the shareholders by a majority of not less than 80% of votes cast in respect of such resolution”)

Take notice that by virtue of section 16 of the current articles of association of the company, a majority of 80% of votes cast at this meeting is required for the passing of motions number 3,5 and 6. A 75% majority is required for the passing of motion number 4.

And further take notice that any shareholder unable to attend in person may appoint a proxy to vote in their place by using the attached form, a printed and signed copy of which must be received at the registered office of the company no later than 48 hours before the holding of the meeting

SIGNED on behalf of and with the authority of the board of directors of Weymouth Football Club Ltd

P. Saxby

This the 9th day of May 2023



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