Interview with Moe Shubbar, Weymouth FC

Recent signing Moe Shubbar talks to us about his adjustment to life at the club, his favourite player growing up and his thoughts ahead of Saturday’s match against Tonbridge Angels

Moe, welcome to Weymouth. You’ve been at the club for almost two weeks. How have you been settling in?

I’ve settled in very well. All the players have taken me in as one of their own very quickly. The gaffer and the coaching staff have made me feel welcome. I’m just really excited to get going.

What impressed you most about the club before signing?

The organisation of the club. Before a match, we will all go for a meal and a walk. That feels very organised.

But, also, the boys were very welcoming and friendly.

What can the fans expect that makes you unique from the other players?

I would say a bit of flair, directness and passion.

The manager described you as a “tricky winger.” For players in your position, what qualities do you need to have to make the difference in the game?

Just being able to work hard for the team and disturb the other team’s system, as well as being tricky to defend against and taking players out of the game.

I wanna take you back to where you started. What were your memories of football growing up?

I supported Manchester United when I was young. I liked Cristiano Ronaldo so I would follow him. He really made me enjoy football and aspire to get in [the game] myself. That was a really good motivation to have.

What made Ronaldo such a special player for you?

His character. I like his mentality a lot. Looking at that made me become a really big fan.

For any setbacks he has, he always finds a solution. I would say he isn’t the most liked. He’s always on the backfoot, but still manages to pull out something magical, as we see in his career.

Back in the day he was a tricky winger as well. That’s quite similar to me.

Wrapping up, how confident are the boys going into Saturday’s game?

The boys are very confident. We had a session on Monday, where we just listened to the gaffer’s plans.

We can win. We just need to take [the game] step by step with no worries. Hopefully we’ll take the game by storm.

Interview by Jack Webb

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