Enjoy the occasion and give everything you’ve got

Jason, a talking point after Friday’s game was that you reminded the boys to just enjoy their football.

Regarding what you said, how has the mood been in the changing room over the last couple of days?

I’ve touched base with the players. We have a few knocks and bruises, so there will be a couple of fitness tests tomorrow morning. Georgie, the physio, will be heading in early. The aim is to just get the boys ready for a massive derby.

With Brandon and Teddy’s knocks that they picked up, how have they been getting on over the weekend?

They’ve been recuperating well; they’ve had their ice baths. The main thing now is to try and get them ready for tomorrow’s big game.

From what you’ve already told us, it seems like your main task at this time is to simply keep the boys focused on their football, away from outside noise.

Definitely. Tomorrow is such a massive game for everyone at the club, and huge for the fans. This should be a great occasion. I’ll be getting the lads up for it, making sure that they do the club proud.

About the lads, it’s been said many times how together and motivated they are.

Despite what you just said, I can imagine for a game as huge as this coming up, you don’t even need to tell them how important tomorrow is.

They will know there’s no hiding away in these games. It will be about how they handle it, but I think that’s something they can step up to.

As soon as you walk out the tunnel, in front of all the fans, you’re bound to be buzzing for the occasion. Human nature kicks in. Adrenaline will carry them through, even with having played two games in such a short space of time.

You mentioned the fans, who, during games like these, can be highly motivating for the players.

Massively. It can give you such a big lift. The amount of people, the occasion itself, it’s human nature that the adrenaline will kick in. It’s such a massive occasion for everyone. It’s massive for myself, as I’ve been at Weymouth on-and-off for 15 years.

Being at Weymouth for so long, just what does this Derby mean to you?

It’s absolutely massive. Yeovil are coming to town. They’re fighting to win the league, but our aim is to stop that and make our fans very proud.

Tomorrow is not just about stopping Yeovil from winning the league, it’s about earning the pride of the town.

Definitely. Like I said, we don’t want to let the people of Weymouth down. The dressing room is full of good and honest players, who I’m sure will give their all tomorrow, as they have done all season.

Having been involved in many crucial games before for us as a player, coach and manager, do days like this ever get any less intense?

Not at all. You look forward to all of the games. It’s mainly about how you handle your emotions, which can sometimes get the better of you. I will be telling the players to treat tomorrow as they treat any other game.

But, of course there’s bragging rights at stake, and we will make things very difficult for Yeovil.

We’re anticipating a large crowd tomorrow. How important can the fans be, as a 12th man?

Massive. It would be great if we can all get behind the lads. I know that would mean a lot to them.

There was an unbelievable turnout at Bath on Friday. Credit to those supporters; it made a huge difference, especially in the second half. It was like they were trying to suck the ball in the net for us. They will play a huge part tomorrow.

Finally, what’s your key message been to the players going into tomorrow’s big game?

Go out and do yourself justice. Enjoy the occasion and give everything you’ve got.

Interview by
Jack Webb

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