By Mark Probin

ON New Year’s Day 2004 I walked away from Dorchester Town’s ground disappointed after the Terras only managed to draw against a team they took to the cleaners just a few days earlier.

This season, I was relieved when the New Year’s Day fixture at the Wessex Stadium ended in a draw.

On Boxing Day the usual masses of Weymouth fans took over the Avenue Stadium, hoping to see a repeat performance of the last few encounters between these two sides.

Another 8-0 drubbing was asking too much but a 4-1 defeat was never on the cards.

So back to Weymouth on 1st January and the ground was packed with nervous Terras’ fans hoping to see an improvement on the dreadful performance in the previous match.

Dorchester took the lead but, thankfully we equalised ten minutes later to force the draw.

Last season went downhill after that hat New Year’s Day draw.

Looking at the start so far this year, I hope we are now at last ready for the push into the play-off positions in the Nationwide Conference South.

A win on 3 January over Hayes was a solid team performance and on 8 January there was a great effort at Carshalton Athletic, the team returning will all three points.

One man who will be trying his best is our new striker Kirk Jackson.

His instincts in front of goal have not been seen since the legend David Laws left us a few years back.

Kirk is still young and has an extra yard to his pace.

If this chap stays with us for as long as Lawsy did, then we are in for many years of great goals and service.


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