Terras Manager Mark Molesley spoke to Louie James of theterras.com as we look ahead to the start of a brand new season.

theterras.com: What are your thoughts on the three new signings you have made?

Mark Molesley: Delighted. It gives us lots of balance and competition for places in every position on the pitch. I feel we have brought in great quality and I have been patient with the signings to make sure we have made the right ones. It’s just about getting the players to gel properly before our game on Saturday.

theterras.com: The fans are really looking forward to getting to see them playing. How have you rated the pre-season this year?

MM: It has been great but not easy due to the tough opposition and the weather we have had. It has given us plenty to think about as well. There’s been a bit of rustiness and things that we need to iron out before the new season but we have learnt a lot of lessons from the pre-season that hopefully will help during the campaign.

theterras.com: Do you feel as though the squad is ready to get going and begin the season?

MM: Definitely. The players are itching to get to the new season and looking forward to the challenges this season will bring. Pre-season is a frustrating process and it takes time to build up the players minutes and put foundations for the season in place. Overall I feel everyone is really looking forward to it though.

theterras.com: I think everyone around the club is really looking forward to it as well! How did you find the legends game and becoming a player again?

MM: I really enjoyed it! Although I didn’t enjoy the week after as I was stiff all week. It’s funny how quickly your body changes as soon as you stop playing. I loved being back in the changing rooms with my old team mates again. It was a great day for a great cause and I’m proud of the club and the community for putting the event on.

theterras.com: I agree. It was a great day and I loved seeing the ex players that we all used to watch. Do you play/watch any other sport other than football?

MM: To be honest my biggest joy nowadays is watching my children play sports. Whenever I have any free time I like watching my little lad and my daughter playing sports as they are very sporty children.

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