Josh Barton: This will be a new start for all of us after our promotion. Have you been impressed by the Pre-Season and just how strong are we looking going into the new campaign?

Calvin Brooks: I have been impressed with the way the boys have handled the offseason, everyone has come back in great shape. We have a really strong squad and serious competition for places, the standard is very high and everyone knows they need to be on it or they will find themselves on the bench come Saturday afternoon.

JB: Have you looked at the National League South and are there any other teams that stand out for you?

CB: I have looked at the lineup of teams, I wouldn’t say anyone particularly stands out but I would say it’s surprising the level of player that Billericay are bringing in.

JB: You have completed many Pre-Season schedules at Weymouth now. Being honest, are you glad it’s over and you can concentrate on the real competition football?

CB: That’s an easy one! I’m absolutely buzzing it’s done, I hate pre-season, the only person behind me in the running is Thommo but that’s because he goes on a two week all-inclusive just before we come back!

JB: Finally, what do you think our targets are for the season?

CB: To be honest it’s not something we’ve really discussed, it’s an exciting challenge for us and something different, last season we were expected to win every game, this season teams will be expecting to beat us, but I genuinely believe they will be in for a shock. We have a squad of players that have played at this level, we won’t fear anyone that’s for sure.

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