Calvin Brooks talks to after his brilliant weekend. He discusses the importance of the win on Saturday, over 6 years as a Terra, Ben Thomson, vending machines and much more.

Josh Barton: Two big goals for the team scored by you on Saturday. Did they mean that bit more because of your time away with an injury?

Calvin Brooks: Yes because it’s been a while since I’ve scored but also because it was extremely frustrating watching from the stands and not being able to affect the games. I was delighted to be able to contribute towards a really big victory.

JB: And on that victory at the weekend, just how important do you think it was when you consider all the circumstances?

CB: I think it was huge! We had gone a few games without a win and with them being just outside the playoffs it increases the gap and gives us a real boost going into the final part of the season. These types of wins are more enjoyable, I’ll remember that one for a while.

JB: It does definitely make the whole day for everyone! We notice that you kiss the badge when you score. You made your Weymouth debut in 2014. I think it’s fair to say that this club means a lot to you?

CB: This club has been a big part of my life for the last 6 years and I have made special bonds with all staff, volunteers, fans and players that have come and gone. I feel great here and that brings out the best in me.

JB: We had a bit of a chuckle about this on the way home on Saturday! Can you just explain the size of those arms?

CB: Yes those arms do look big you are right! Thommo keeps messaging me asking what exercises I’m doing at the gym, sadly the only machine he uses is the vending machine.

JB: Finally, there seems to be a card-playing group on the way up to games. Can you give us an exclusive? Who wins the most?

CB: Well… The main players are me, Yemi, Josh Wakefield and Jake Big Nose (McCarthy). Brett Williams is a part-timer as is Wellsy. I went for three months without a win before Saturday so I’m out. Yemi is the man when it comes to cards really, although he’s annoyingly slow. We have to pause every five minutes for Jake to FaceTime his Mrs so she can check where he is.

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