Steve Mills spoke to as we begin to move into the Christmas period of the season. He gives praise to the first team and the club’s youth setup. It’s nearly the halfway point in the season now and the team sit in third position in the league table. You must be absolutely delighted?

Steve Mills: I am delighted and a bit surprised but not overly surprised. As soon as I saw the team train and the way Mark, and his management team go through their methods, I just thought straight away that we are onto something special here. The players have performed fantastically, especially when you consider the injuries that we have had over the past few weeks! To be where we are, half of the way through December, I think any one of us would’ve taken that at the beginning of the season. The club have just secured the long-term future of Brandon Goodship, a big coup?

SM: Of course. Brandon is not just a team player, he has that individuality that all the good players have. He can do something, out of nothing, on his own. He’s a great lad and he fits in perfectly to the squad and with what we are trying to achieve in the long-term at the football club. It is fantastic that he has committed his future here. What is your message to the club’s supporters going into the Christmas period and then into the new year?

SM: Just keep it going! The supporters have been magnificent. The recent game against Chesham springs to mind. Without our supporters behind us on that day, who knows what might have happened. The got us through and kept behind the players right until the end. It was fantastic and lets just keep it going. How impressed are you with the youth setup at the club since the new partnership and setup started and with the work done by the teams and the secretaries?

SM: Well the under 16’s are winning everything and the hope is that the others can follow suite. The work done by everyone on the youth teams has been fantastic. This is an ongoing project and we should see the fruits of our hard labour in a couple of years’ time, but I think it is well worth the wait! Some of the younger players at the club are beginning to have training sessions with Mark and the rest of the first team setup, which is obviously fantastic. We know that there is still working to be done but let’s be positive about what we have got right now. We have Mark, Paul, Tom, the rest of the coaching staff and the team doing brilliantly well on the pitch, we have an army of loyal volunteers that do great things for the love of the club and we have a fantastic bunch of supporters!

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